
image coming

Capturing human emotions and experiences has been a passion of mine from the time I was just a wee lass. I wanted to tell stories of how peoples eyes smiled, and how their nose crinkled when they laughed. I wanted to stop time so that when someone looked at my photograph, they were transported back to that kiss, that embrace, that moment. 

My Pop was the first person to believe in me, and I vividly remember sitting on his lap as he let me look through the viewfinder of his camera and press the shutter. He passed away shortly after, but those memories stuck with me and were what inspired me to save my pennies for years to buy a camera right out of highschool. I shot my first wedding when I was 17 and I've never looked back.

 Nine years and 200+ couples later, each portrait session or wedding still feels magical to me. I firmly believe that love is what makes the earth go 'round and that everyone should feel free and safe to be their authentic, quirky, silly self. Those are the stories I want to tell.

I am a walking general store. No, literally. I have one of everything in my purse and car just in case. Need a tide pen, toilet paper, tent, extra jacket, ketchup, napkin, basketball, gum, board game, mascara, ratchet strap, blister patch, cocktail cheat sheet, or lasso?  I gotcha. (Kidding about the lasso) 

I eat so much ice cream that I started keeping track of how many pints I eat each per year. 
 I am only at 24 pints so far this year, so I think I'm doing a decent job of curbing that craving.

I hold my breath on rollercoasters and talk during movies.  It's totally backwards, I know, but you can't say you haven't been warned. 

I am a big advocate of using peoples full names.  Why do we give our kids two to three names at birth if we only ever use one?  The only time most kids hear their middle name is when they are in trouble, and I think that's so tragic.  I love using full names!!  Hence, why Olivia Marie Plath is my official brand name. ;) 

some facts you might find relatable

Everybody and their mama knows that I am a travel addict and that my life motto is "have passport, will travel".
This list reflects my current bookings and I update it often. When I'm not traveling, you can find me researching new-to-me countries, travel regulations and restrictions, visa requirements, worldwide protected land and parks or trying my hand at geo-guesser (current brag is that my all time best guess was 20 feet from the correct UK location - travel pays off!) 

travel schedule 

- 2 0 2 5 - 

April :: Washington DC

May :: Miami + Key West, Florida
Springfield, Pennsylvania
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Orlando, Florida

June:: Portland, Oregon
Australia + New Zealand
Northern Ohio

July :: Bentonville, Arkansas
Acadia National Park, Maine

August :: Italy + Paris, France

September :: Yosemite, California
Los Angeles, California

October :: Temecula, California

November :: Springville, California

want your wedding on
the list? Let's chat! 



COPYRIGHT Olivia Marie Plath 2025